
Android studio toast in fragment
Android studio toast in fragment

android studio toast in fragment

Let’s build Android app for Activity and Fragments communication Step 1. Create new project “ Build Your First Android App in Kotlin“ Step 2. Add color in app>res>values>colors.xml

android studio toast in fragment

In this example, we are doing the same thing or you will get an idea of how to do it. It’s a common situation when developer facing this kind of a problem during application developer. Situation: How to access a variable in activity from a fragment? Maybe chance you have to another way or requirement, then you have to choose as per needs. MyFragment.receiveMsg("Hi Fragment how are you ?") MyFragment myFragment = (MyFragment) manager.findFragmentById(R.id.myfrag) Method in fragment //Receive message - activity to fragmentĬreate an instance in activity and pass data to fragment FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager() it’s a flexible way when the fragment is already launched and Fragments want data from an Activity.

android studio toast in fragment

Its very easy to do, create a method in Fragments and in Activity create an instance of fragments and pass data in methods.

Android studio toast in fragment