
Blizzcon 2019 diablo 3 wings
Blizzcon 2019 diablo 3 wings

  • Hearthstone: Telling a Year Long Narrative - 5:15 PMĪs noted above, the opening ceremony is usually streamed live for free to everyone, but most of the other events are locked behind the Virtual Ticket.
  • blizzcon 2019 diablo 3 wings

    Blizzard Animation: The Art of Setting the Scene - 4:15 PM.Heroes of the Storm: Deep Dive - 3:15 PM.World of Warcraft: What's Next - 2:30 PM.Life at Blizzard: Career & Culture Insights - 2 PM.Quarter Century of Warcraft Audio - 12:30 PM.There is no Diablo update listed throughout the weekend, but there are two art panels scheduled for 10:30 AM and 4:15 PM, respectively, on November 2. Over the weekend, on November 2, there's a World of Warcraft update at 11:15 AM PT and an Overwatch update at 1:15 PM PT. There are tons of game-centric panels happening throughout the conference, including a Heroes of the Storm update at 3:15 PM PT, a Hearthstone update at 5:15 PM PT. Now Playing: Diablo 4, Overwatch 2, & Expansions Announced At BlizzCon 2019 - GS News Update Overwatch 2 was also announced.īy clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's The first three classes confirmed all return from Diablo II, and they include Barbarian, Sorceress, and Druid. It followed that up with a big (if expected) announcement: Diablo 4 is real, and it's coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It started out with Blizzard addressing the Hong Kong ban situation. The festivities kicked off as usual with that opening ceremony on November 1 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET / 6 PM GMT (5 AM AET on November 2), simulcast across all of its stages.

    blizzcon 2019 diablo 3 wings

    You can also check out our BlizzCon announcements recap for all the big news. Though the schedule doesn't give specific announcements, it does give insight as to when to tune in for the possibility of news and announcements-which include Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2, freshly revealed during its opening keynote, which you can rewatch on Blizzard's YouTube channel.

    blizzcon 2019 diablo 3 wings

    Blizzard has announced its schedule for BlizzCon 2019, which begins today, November 1, and runs through the weekend. It's time to find out what's next for Warcraft, Diablo, Hearthstone, Overwatch, and more.

    Blizzcon 2019 diablo 3 wings